Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Summer is FINALLY Over!

"Mommy, where are we going?", my three year old piped up for the millionth time it seemed. Exasperated I replied for the millionth time, "We're going to Sonrise, you know where we are going, I told you several times already!" Summer had FINALLY come to an end. As much as I would miss the warm weather, I missed visiting with friends, and having a sense of routine. At my house all routines disappeared the minute school dismissed each summer. Somehow so did my chance to visit with friends and find time to get alone with God each day. I secretly felt guilty that I had not kept in touch with some friends and that I didn't open my bible on a regular basis. However, I couldn't wait to check in my kids in their specified rooms and head to the quad room to meet and greet all my friends that I had missed over the summer. Every other mom there was in just as much of a hurry as I was to drop their kids and run for freedom!Yes, I said freedom! Freedom to sit and visit and not be interrupted by screams of a fight that needed a referee, or someone pulling on my leg asking for a snack, or to go potty, or to tell me he/she picked their noses. I was excited to have two glorious hours to myself to study, visit, and to get back into a sense of a routine. Fall was here at last!

Somehow over the summer, I had turned into this irritated, tired woman, who was supposed to be the heart of the home. I had pretended not to notice the exchanged glances among my family as I snapped at Elijah to not spit out his dinner after jumping to my feet in the process to hover over him. Over the summer, my designated bible and prayer time slowly disappeared as looking for ways to keep my children entertained took over. The longer I went without spending time alone, reading the word, and offering up my prayers to heaven; the more irritated and tired I became.

Jean, our group leader rang her bell to get our attention and officially began our session as all conversations took a backseat while she instructed us go around introducing ourselves and to give a reason why we were sitting in that room. As each of the 40 gals stated their name and reason. I was relieved that I wasn't the only one who had gotten a little rusty in spending time with God. Each woman was thankful in one sense or another to have this study start again. It meant accountability, routine, and a challenge to get alone with God each day. It meant that we could come to Sonrise once a week to be a woman, not just a mom with a mile long list. As our study winded down we all were feeling refreshed and renewed with a sense of purpose other than changing diapers and cooking. We all had a new commitment and looked forward to challenging ourselves to get alone with God each day and show the fruit of our effort the following Tuesday. Thank God for friendships, babysitters, and routines! I hope that I'm not the only one feeling like a dry sponge in need to God's Living Water!

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