Thursday, May 14, 2009


Aside from Elijah dunking himself in a lake, the van costing $187.00 for a 'nuisance' noise, Tori coming down with Rosiolla Virus, Mommy getting zero sleep, and coming down with another case of mastitis as well as having sinus issues, everything at the conference is just peachy! I've already met several authors and even a publicist including James Scott Bell and Virelle Ridder.
I had to chuckle to myself when the floor was opened yesterday evening for conferee's to give a word of encouragement. All made statements of putting God first, not procrastinating, putting prayer first before writing, and developing pitch ideas. However, I came to the realization that family came first. Don't get me wrong, because God does come first and foremost. But as a mother of three young children, Ive learned to talk and pray to God as I go about my day chasing my babies.
At 2:30 this morning as I rolled over yet again for Tori to nurse, I heard God's still small voice telling me about striking a balance. He told me that in order for me to succeed, my family must come first and writing second. So even though my heart's cry is to be telling my life story, to be writing it; I must first be a servant to my family. There's a thread that runs among all authors that are writing for God. Balance. Balance and faith. We must be faithful in the small things before we can move on to bigger things. Balancing a family and writing career can be tricky with all the hours spent in front of the computer on top of social networking, developing a platform and sales pitch to market myself.
In the early hours of this morning when I was wondering if I had been crazy to even come here and doubt was setting in, God reminded me that the children He entrusted me with comes first, and writing second. Im sure all moms can relate, no matter the talent and passion each of woman has been instilled with, it pales in comparison to raising a child of God. After all, Like James Scott Bell said to us this morning, God will take my words and my story and find a heart that needs them.


  1. As a mother of twins I'm finding that I am spending more time trying to focus on the Lord than I did prior to having children. I'm guessing that maybe you find the same thing? That the busier we are the more driven we are to try and stay focused on God?

  2. Sorry we didn't meet up but it sounds like CCWC really spoke to you and filled your spirit - as it did mine. Blessings!

  3. Found your comment about writing a book on Beth Moore's blog. I am another busy mom (four girls) who is trying to find time to write too. It is wonderful to find, even via computers, another mom who is also a Christian and a writer. I went to CCWC in 2000 and hope to get back there someday.


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