Anonymous...what does that mean? What does it imply? Well it has to do with an email and a phone call I received this weekend. Most of you know that I just finished writing my first book. I Call Him by Name is a devotional that inspires moms to embrace God in the daily domestic life duties of raising their brood. In fact, it's like another child to me. I conceived the idea about the book nearly two years ago when I was on my knee's crying out to God. Tori my youngest wasn't even a year when I attended the Colorado Writers Conference. She ran an unexplained fever during the entire time I was there (and for an additional 8 days after), and nothing I did consoled her. I felt God nudging me to surrender. In affect, He was teaching me about His character and attributes of being a provider, being my peace, and Tori's healer. Since then I threw myself into researching His names and once the chapters were formulated, I began writing. Of course my children gave me a wealth of material. Apparently, the crazy stunts and comments they pull are not typical, (Or no other mama out there wants to readily admit their kids are as crazy as mine).
I recieved an offer from a publishing company last week and was estatic, until I felt the Holy Spirit grab me by my shirt tail and say, "Nope, Darlin' this isn't what God wants for you. Stop and go no further." So before the contract arrived the next day in the mail, I already knew that I was not to accept the offer. The offer wasn't that great anyway. The company required over $3000 up front to cover costs and the promotion they enticed with was actually very limited. Down hearted, I prayed. As a new author, it's very hard to get an agent, much less a royalty independent company to look at my manuscript. I had received several rejections and each time they've said that my book is great material and would consider an second edition printing if it sells well...own my own. So apparently self publishing is the route that I'm going at the moment.
This led me to wonder how I'm going to afford getting it edited and pubished. The costs for both are $1000's of green smackers. The editing process itself will be $1200 or more alone...and then anonymous arrived in my email inbox. Someone dropped off a gift at EFREE church for me. A staff member by the name of Kent told me he will be stopping by tomorrow morning because the Holy Spirit was getting His groove on to move another brother or sister in christ on this project. So, you and I will both have to wait to see what it is. I'm excited, blessed, anxious, excited, curious, humbled, and excited...did I mention excited? Stay tuned for part II.
what a GREAT story! wow. so proud you listened to that Vioce that tells to wait! He must have something mighty in store for you,dawlin. btw, I do editting all the time here in nashville. I would totally do it for free:)