Sunday, April 3, 2011

God is Moving.

Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." Malachi 3:10

    How have you tested God? Have you laid your hurts, worries, joys, and dreams in His hands? I Have. These last few weeks I have felt Him nudging me to lay my dreams of writing, speaking to women, teens, and of course my finances on His alter. The return has been indescribable, the joy my heart feels has spilled over into aspect of my life. I wake up and my heart is singing to Him. Relationships that were damaged have been restored. Feeling at home in my home church has taken on a new meaning. My dreams of being an author are unfolding as I type. Ministering to women is budding day by day. And finally God has more than abundantly blessed our finances in terms of being able to afford a newer vehicle. We still don't make much but all our needs are being cared for in ways I had always hoped. These are just a few things I wanted to share and when I'm able to process it more fully, I will share in detail. 
    If you're worried about where money for a bill is going to come from, lay it before God. If you are worried about your teen and life altering mistakes or decisions they've made, lay it in front of Him. If you have a dream that's bubbling up from the bottom of your heart, give it to Him. Stay faithful, be patient, praise Him, and wait! Give it over to Him, allow His faithfulness, His love, and His power give your dreams and needs soil to take root. Your trust will water the soil, and His power will cause it to bloom. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. Exactly what I needed to hear at this exact minute. I am laying everything before Him now.


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