Somebody hand me a paper bag quick! Reality is setting in as well as my fears and the kids can sniff it in the air. My over active imagine has been on over drive, every senairo possible and at every angle has crossed my mind and played out. We will be leaving for a writer's conference so I can crtique my manuscript and pitch it to publishing houses and agents. My husband and I get to spend 5 glorious and quiet days together in the mountains do what I love; but what about the kids? My kids aren't little angels, as a matter of fact, they are independent, strong willed, and law enforcement know them by name. Not beacuse they are bad, it's because they get themselves into precarious situations. For example, my youngest daugther Tori had a church tighten its security measures in terms of childcare because she managed to get through 4 doors. She was out in the parking lot before anyone realized she was missing. Lovely right? She does this at home too, which is why all exits have chain latches at the top.
Then there's my son who had me hanging on for dear life since he could walk, rather his first steps were running. He has no fear of anything, except the dark and loud humming noises. My oldest, I'm not too worried about except for staying on top of her homework. It doesn't sound too bad right? Well, I haven't left my children for more than 12 hours since 2005, not kidding. We had an overnight or two here and there but this will be the longest time I've been away from them.
Why do I worry? I'm afraid they're too much like their mother who is famous in the family for sneaking away and walking 3 miles down the interstate with semi trucks barreling by on one side and a 3 feet deep canal on the other full of water. Then there's the business of burning down our kitchen in the middle of the night. For the sake of my brother and I, we wanted waffles and were trying to make some.
Getting some alone time is greatly needed, but how do I conquer this wild imagination? How will Grandma and Grandpa cope (who by the way think my kids are angels). How do you cope with leaving your wild kiddies behind? Normally, I'd be excited, but this time, the what-if's are raging loudly in my mind.
Prayers are needed as I continue to pack the rest of the house in between sessions of breathing into my paper bag. Separation is good for the kids and apparently I need a healthy dose of it!
Getting some alone time is greatly needed, but how do I conquer this wild imagination? How will Grandma and Grandpa cope (who by the way think my kids are angels). How do you cope with leaving your wild kiddies behind? Normally, I'd be excited, but this time, the what-if's are raging loudly in my mind.
Prayers are needed as I continue to pack the rest of the house in between sessions of breathing into my paper bag. Separation is good for the kids and apparently I need a healthy dose of it!
I will pray for you! When my oldest was almost one, my hubby had to go to Hawaii for the Army, so my sister talked me into going along. I cried for WEEKS up until leaving him. When my sis and I got on the plane, she looked at me and said, "we are on the plane and there is no changing that fact, so quit blubbering and enjoy yourself!" So, I did! I feel guilty to admit this, but once I got there, I had so much fun that I did not want to come home! I still have a hard time leaving the boys, but I know that it makes me a better mommy. Hubby leaves Friday for awhile with the Army, so I am shipping the boys off to my in-laws in a few weeks for five days. I am a nervous wreck about it, but I know that I need the break and so do they! Geez, I babble too much! Just enjoy yourself!!