Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Time & Balance: Your Way or His Way.


     The shock and surprise of our new addition still hasn't worn off. It's been maybe seventy-two hours and already I'm in the 'what if' mode. Chris and I had dreamed about having another child, we talked about maybe going to see a specialist next year to start the fertility process. Apparently the fertility doctor won't be needed, according to all five pregnancy tests and the doctors confirmation last week. Dreaming about something like this and doing it are two very different things in my book! Dreaming means in my time and in my way.
    As I lay in bed, I wondered what God was up to. I just didn't see how the timing of this baby was good, besides if it were according to my timing, this baby would have been born in December to follow my other children's ages and birthday's--all born from oldest to youngest in September, October and November. December makes sense, April doesn't.
    The timing of it all doesn't make sense. This year we are bracing ourselves between Cheyenne's recent diagnosis of Autism, preparing for the homework battle, running her to therapy, and I've taken on the position as Kearney's MOPS coordinator for the next three years. In my book, having another baby right now isn't a good time.
     As I rolled over yet again, my heart bursting with joy over this new arrival and then bouncing to the 'what ifs', my heart recalled a verse from Romans. Romans 8:28 says, "We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose." As this thought took root, I saw what God had planned, as this year progresses, so will the pregnancy while I attend to Cheyenne's needs. I'll be able to balance MOPS and my two little ones. The baby will arrive in April, just before school and MOPS ends. We will have all summer to welcome and adjust  to this new bundle of joy before school and MOPS starts again. Apparently God's plans are so much better than mine!


  1. Boy, do I know something about this! The week our oldest son turned 16 and with 2 other sons behind him, we learned that we would be receiving our own unexpected blessing! And what a blessing he's been. Now, Little and his 3 brothers make quite a quartet at ages 21, 18, 12, and 5! It's been wonderful, and I often think in my heart, "God, You sure knew what you were doing!"

    Expecting blessings on your behalf,

    Mother of the Restless Natives

  2. It is hard to understand or see what God is doing! Ronda thank you for sharing. It brought me some much needed encouragement, even though Im excited about this unexpected blessing.


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